Dual Language Immersion Academy

Grades K - 5

Our Dual Language Immersion (DLI) Academy is a 50/50 Spanish Dual Language Immersion program. Native English speakers and native Spanish speakers will learn from each other in the dual-language classroom. Our students in this academy will learn to read, write, and speak both English and Spanish allowing our students to unite in purpose to advocate for causes impacting both English and Spanish speaking communities. Additionally, our native Spanish speaking students will learn the English language without sacrificing their mastery of their native language.


  • Cognitive benefits such as increased attention and improved working memory.

  • Students become more culturally aware as they develop a better understanding of a new culture.

  • Mastering a new language improves a student’s communication skills and helps them understand more about how language works.

Students entering Kindergarten and 1st grade have the option to enroll in this academy and will continue enrollment through 5th grade. Upon completion, students in this academy will have the option to enroll in the middle school Leadership Prep Academy's Advanced Spanish course.