Student Life
You belong here!
We are committed to ensuring that school is your child's favorite place! Your child's physical and emotional health is our priority and we can assure you that your child will be taken care of in a safe, warm, and welcoming environment. Students enrolled in a school utilizing the Sankofa Excellence model commit to displaying excellence and Sankofa Excellence coaches support the development of emotionally intelligent students. Intimidation and bullying are strictly prohibited and will be immediately addressed. Every staff member will be trained to identify and address any signs of bullying. We take this very seriously as "every student belongs" at a school utilizing Sankofa Excellence. We value and care for each other.
Summer Onboarding
Every student who enrolls at a school utilizing the Sankofa Excellence program will participate in our summer onboarding program which will introduce them to our high standards and expectations as well as acclimate them to the school.