College & Career Preparation

College and career preparation begins in Kindergarten. Our age-appropriate programs are sure to place students on a path to success in college and beyond.

We’ve designed a College, Career, and Life Readiness program that will develop student abilities around these 6 competencies aligned to Hobson's CCLR Framework:

•Social Emotional Learning •Interpersonal Skills •Academic Skills

•Career Knowledge •College Knowledge •Transition Skills

We have put the following programs and structures in place to ensure that every student completing our high quality academic program is prepared for college and career.

Quarterly College, Career and Life Readiness (CCLR) Meetings

Instructional staff and school leadership will meet quarterly to discuss student readiness for college and address students of concern. During this meeting, solutions are identified and plans are put in place to remedy problems and concerns.

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Course

Every student in Kindergarten through 8th grade will receive instruction that will help to build their emotional intelligence. Our SEL course will help students identify and manage their emotions in a healthy and productive manner.

Daily Advisory Period

Our students in middle school will participate in a daily advisory period that will give them time to discuss and create their college and career plans.

Sankofa Excellence Social Studies Learning for Student Leadership Program

Our social studies program gives students hands on leadership experience in the areas of personal, global, and economic leadership. Every student in every grade level will actually start their own business!

College, Career, and Life Readiness (CCLR) Mentorship

Upon entering our Leadership Prep Academy in 6th grade, students will be paired with a CCLR mentor who will follow them through the first year of college and/or career. Mentors will be a source of support for students in developing and implementing their college and career plans.

Individualized Learning Plans

We will work closely with students and families to develop an individualized plan that will meet the specific needs of each student. Students will work with teachers to regularly monitor progress and to revise plans as needed.

Sankofa SOE College and Career Academy

Beginning in 4th grade, students will begin participating in this "academy". Students will explore college and career options and take trips to colleges around the country, building interest in and excitement for their post-secondary plans.